Page:Mad pranks of Tom Tram, son in law to Mother Winter.pdf/19

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long there before the juſtice and his family was obliged to go to London, leaving nobody at home but Tom. Now in the justice's abſence, an officer brought a luſty young woman and a little man with a complaint; ſo they knocked at the door, and Tom let them in, then placing himſelf in his maſter's chair, he aſked the woman what ſhe had to ſay, who told him that the man whom ſhe had brought before him had lain with her by force. Adzocks, quoth Tom, is it poſſible that ſuch a little fellow as this could force ſuch a ſtrapping dame as you, Alas! Sir, ſaid the, although he is little he is ſtrong. Well, little whipper-ſnapper, quoth Tom, what do you ſay to this; He reply'd, Like your worſhip it is falſe what ſhe ſays; the truth is: I have been at ſea, and coming aſhore, where I received my pay, I met with this woman, and agreed with her for half a crown, and when it was over. I pull'd out my purſe to pay her honeſtly what I had agreed ſir; but ſhe ſeeing that I had a conſiderable ſum of money, contrary to our bargain, would force me to give her ten ſhillings, and becauſe I would not, ſhe has brought me before your worſhip. Have you get that purſe of money? quoth Tom: Yes Sir. ſaid the ſeaman. Give it into my hand ſaid Tom. He receives it, and turning to the woman, ſaid, Here take it and get about