Page:Madame Butterfly; Purple eyes; A gentleman of Japan and a lady; Kito; Glory (1904).djvu/27

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"Aha! Tha' 's what I thing. Now I bed you I know what is that bag nomber!"

"Well? "

"People lig I was."


"But not people lig I am? "

"No; you are up-to-date."

"I egspeg 1 ought be sawry?" She sighed hypocritically.

"Exactly why, my moon-maid? "

"Account they outcasting me. Aeverybody thing me mos' bes' wicked in all Japan. Nobody speak to me no more—they all outcast me aexcep' jus' you; tha' 's why I ought be sawry."

She burst into a reckless laugh, and threw herself like a child upon him.

"But tha' 's ezag' why I am not! Wha' 's use lie? It is not inside me that sawry. Me? I 'm mos' bes' happy female woman in Japan—mebby in that whole worl'. What you thing?"

He said honestly that he thought she was, and he took honest credit for it.