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Report on Terrestrial Magnetism.

observes, by the great discoveries of Oersted, Arago, Ampere, Seebeck, and Faraday; MM. Hansteen, Due, and Adolphe Erman have explored, in the whole of the immense extent of Northern Asia, the course of the isoclinal, isogonal, and isodynaraic curves; and M. Adolphe Erman has had the advantage during a long voyage from Kamtschatka round Cape Horn to Europe, of observing the three manifestations of terrestrial magnetism on the surface of the earth, with the same instruments, and by the same methods which he had employed from Berlin to the month of the Obi, and thence to the Sea of Okhotsh.

M. de Humboldt remarks that our epoch, marked by great discoveries in optics, electricity, and magnetism, is characterised by the possibility of connecting phenomena by the generalization of empirical laws, and by the mutual assistance rendered by sciences which had long remained isolated. Now, he observes, simple observations of horary variation or of magnetic intensity made at places far distant from each other, reveal to us what passes at great depths in the interior of our planet or in the upper regions of our atmosphere: those luminous emanations, those polar explosions which accompany the "magnetic storm" appear to succeed the changes which the mean or ordinary tension of terrestrial magnetism undergoes.

M. de Humboldt considers that it deeply interests the advancement of mathematical and physical sciences that, under the auspices of His Royal Highness the President, the Royal Society should exert its influence in extending the line of simultaneous observations, and in establishing permanent magnetic stations in the tropical regions on both sides of the magnetic equator, in high southern latitudes, and in Canada, He proposes this last station because the observations of horary variation in the vast extent of the United States are yet extremely rare. Those at Salem, calculated by Mr. Bowdich, and compared by Arago with the observations of Casini, Gilpin, and Beaufoy, may, he remarks, guide the observers in Canada, in examining whether there, contrary to what takes place in Western Europe, the (diurnal?) variation does not decrease in the interval between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice.

In a memoir published five years ago, M. de Humboldt states that he has indicated as stations extremely favourable for the advancement of our knowledge, New Holland, Ceylon, the Mauritius, the Cape of Good Hope, the island of St. Helena, some point on the eastern coast of South America, and Quebec. In order, he observes, to advance rapidly the theory of the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism, or at least to establish with more precision empirical laws, we ought to extend, and at the same time to vary, the lines of corresponding observations; to distinguish, in the observations, of the horary variations, what is due to the influence of the seasons, to a clear or a cloudy atmo-