Page:Madras Journal of Literature and Science, series 1, volume 6 (1837).djvu/352

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Account of the New Colony of Western Australia.

March.—Generally fine. Thunder on 4th, with heavy rains on 4th and 5th, and light rains on 6th, 19th and 30th. Winds N. & and S. W. But little disease met with; a few cases of dysentery towards latter end.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 95 77¾ 62 Barom. 30.20 29.90 29.60

April—Was alternately cloudy, showery or fine, like April in England. It rained on 4th, 5th, 7th (first quarter of moon), 8th 11th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 22d (last quarter of moon), 23d, 26th, 27th, 29th, 30th (new moon); a thunder storm on 8th. Winds N. E. and N. W. Dysentery the prevalent disease.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 92 71 50 Barom. 30.30 30.10 29.90

May.— Rain fell on 1st to 6th (first quarter of moon), 9th to 13th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 25th and 26th. A heavy squall from N. W. on 18th. Winds £. N. E.—N. W.— S. W. Rheumatism.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 77 61 46 Barom. 30.50 30.00 29.50

June.—It rained on 4th, 5th (first quarter of moon), 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 13th, to 17th, 21st to 25th. Hoarfrost and ice on 3d—thunder storm, and large hail stones on 8th, with a heavy squall from S. W. Ephemeral fever.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 74 59 44 Barom. 30.60 30.20 29.80

July.—Was for the most part fine; it rained on 2d to 6th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st. Ice seen out of doors on mornings of 1st and 9th. Heavy squalls on 4th and 17th, attended by showers of large hail stones. Winds N. E.— N. W. and S. W. There was but little disease, chiefly catarrhs and rheumatism.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 70 55½ 40 Barom. 30.35 29.97½ 29.65

August.— Rain fell on the 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 18th (last quarter of moon), 19th, 23d, 29th, 30th and 31st; thunder storm on 11th. Heavy dew at night. Winds N. E. and S. W.

Max. Med. Min. Max. Med. Min.
Therm. 76 61½ 50 Barom. 30.30 29.97½ 29.65

September.—Was cloudy, squally and rainy, much rain on 1st (first quarter of moon), and some on 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d (new moon); thunder storm on 18th. Winds N. W. and S. W. Catarrhs, pleuritis and rheumatism.