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APRIL— JUNE 1857.] The Tamil Epic Chiiitainani. 4T

favorite art. Jivaka entered the list of competitors for the hand of Tattiyar, and his performance on the vina gained him the prize he coveted. The history of these events contained in this section occupies 358 stanzas.

4. Gundmaleyar Ilambakam is the name of the fourth section which contains 315 stanzas. This section presents to the reader two young women of high family named respectively Gunamalei and Churamanjari who contended for superiority in regard to certain scented powders they possessed. These perfumes were so apparently identic in equality that it was impossible for ordinary persons to determine which was the better. Jivaka decides the matter in favor of Kunamalei : she accepts him in marriage.

This section further relates some particulars respecting Sudarsana-jakshadeva who at that time appeared in the form of a dog, as the result of former deeds. He is metamorphosed by Jivaka and attains his former position, on account of which he magnifies the powers of his deliverer.

This section also relates the incident of Churamanjari's escape from an Elephant which was killed by Jivaka when about to attack her.

5. The fifth section is called Pathumeiyar Ilambakam. This section narrates the travels of Jivaka in foreign lands. In the course of travel he meets Pathumei, a daughter of the king of Pallavam, when she was engaged in gathering flowers; as she was thus employed she was bitten by a venomous serpent : she is healed by Jivaka, and in gratitude gives him her hand in marriage. The section contains 246 verses.

6. The sixth section is called Kemasariyar Ilambakam. This portion of the work narrates the visit of Jivaka to Kshemadesam where he performs prodigies that gain for him the admiration of the king who bestowed on him his daughter in marriage; her name was Kshema Sundari. This section contains 145 verses.

7. The seventh section is called Kanakamaleyar Ilambakam. Here Jivaka the hero of the poem is found in Susanadesam.

The king suspends on high a mark, promising to give his daughter