Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 2 new series 1857.djvu/62

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52 Descriptions of new Ceylon Cohoptera. [no. 3, new series,

and simple as above described. The ligula is small, oblong, very slightly narrowed and transversely cut away at the apex, the paraglossse separate from its sides a little below the anterior corners ; they are setiform and reach much beyond it. The whole organ is of membranaceous texture having, however, a more substantial centre or back. The thorax and elytra aw? simple and sufficiently described above, i. may add that the former is divided by a longitudinal furrow and that both are furnished with a narrow margin at the sides. The scutellum is very small and the abdomen furnished with a short peduncle. The legs are weak, simple and nearly equal, the anterior tibise are deeply notched, the lower margin of the fourth tarsal joint of the same pair is furnished with along thin spine, the apex of which fite in between the claws. I have been unable to discover any footbrushes or other sexual distinctions in the specimens before me, but it is not improbable that the tarsal spine just mentioned occurs only in one sex.

The habits of the insect are those of the Bemhidia in whose society it lives upon the banks of rivers, taking like them readily to its wings. I have found it occasionally in considerable numbers upon the sandy banks of the Maha Oya in the neighbourhood of Negombo close to the edge of the water.

Trib, Lebiidce vel Pericalidge. Creagris. n. g, N.

Corpus oblongum valde depressum. Caput magnum robustum ; oculis mediocribus, ovatis, sat prominulis ; collo brevi. Mentum forma ferri equini vel trifurcatum (hinc n. g. Creagris) lobis angustis, subparallelis, apice oblique truncatis, dente lobis parum breviore, tenui, acutissimo. Ligula magna, cornea, angulis anticis rotundatis, paraglossis connatis, marginem anteriorem non attin- gentibus. Palpi maxill. art. 4° claviformi, apice fortiter truncate ; labiales art. 4 subelliptico, truncato. Labium maximum, subor- biculatum, gonvexum. Mandibulse parvee, basi obsolete uniden-tatse, labro obtectse. Antennae robustse humeros attingentes, art. 1, 3 et 11 longitudine fere subasquali, mediocribus, 2° parvo, rotundato, 4-10 subsequalibus, cum 11° ovatis. Thorax parvus capite sesqui minor, transversus longitudine duplo fere latior,