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with other officers of the holy council, were attending in their places.

The prisoner was placed behind a bar at the foot of the table, between the messengers who brought him in; and having made his obcsiance to the awful presence, in the most supplicating manner, he was ealled upon, aceording to the usual form of question, by one of the junior judges, to declare his name, parentage, profession, age, plaee of abode, and to answer various interrogatories, of the like trifling nature: his Excellency the Inquisidor-general now opened his reverend lips, and in a solemn tone of voice, that penetrated to the heart of the poor trembling prisoner, interrrogated him as follows:——

Nieolas Pedrosa, we have listened to the account you give of yourself, your business and connections; now tell us for what offence or offences, you are standing a prisoner before us; examine your heart, and speak the truth from your conseienee without prevarieation or disguise.

May it please your exeellency, replied Pedrosa with all due submission to your holiness and this reverend assembly, my most equitable judges, I eoneeive I stand here before you for no worse a crime than that of eudgeling a refraetory mule an animal so restive in its nature, (under eorrection of your holiness be it spoken,) that although I were blessed with the forbearanee of holy Job, (for like him too I am married and my patience hath been exereised by a wife,) yet eould I not forbear to smite my beast for her obstinaey, and she rather, because I was summoned in the way of my profession, as I have already made known