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azure of the heavens. Here and there a window glistened like a square of steel. From the chimneys a bluish smoke arose in a light cloud. The black cupola of the church-tower with its golden spire stood out against the sky. The surface of the Elbe glittered like a stream of mercury. She saw the cemetery, its cypresses and crosses, its white walls, and the fields which ran straight to the right and left of it. Long roads, with avenues of trees, wound through them. Towards one side of the town lay the castle, with its brown roof and colored tower, and the old trees in the park. Beyond the Elbe were the grove, the church of the pilgrims, the roofs of houses, and farther off, the blue forest and the villages that looked like a handful of bright dots; and still farther away was a grey streak, where the sky met the undulating earth.

Everything was merged in the full splendor of the sun. The air was astir with the burning heat. That town appeared to Lucy