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obey . . . she was about to fall . . . red circles flew before her eyes. . . .

Her soul was suddenly cut in two; and yet both halves were living, and discussing with each other. The one seemed to be wringing its white hands: “To live, oh, to live! After all, this life is beautiful! After all, we live but once! After all, it is life!”

And the other spoke in a hollow voice: “Down, down! You must die!”

And again the first: “To live, oh, to live! You cannot die, you have not the strength, and you have no cause to die!”

And the second: “Down, down!” but it whispered it so sadly, and in so trembling a voice, that it was painful to bear it.

Cold perspiration in small pearls dropped down her brow. Her knees grew weak from fear. Terror clutched her white throat still tighter. Her glassy eyes bulged out as she looked down into the ghastly green,—and the two halves of her soul continued struggling with each other. . . .