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Miscellaneous Tricks

article. The cover is then replaced and the tumbler commanded to pass into the lower hat, after which it is again raised, together with the counterfeit, and the wand passed through it as before. The hats are then separated and the glass is produced from the lower one.

A Crystal Water Mystery.—Chemical tricks, as a rule, do not meet with much favor at the hands of professional conjurers. The reason
Fig. 41.—Water Trick
is pretty clear, as, in the majority of cases, the modus operandi is too palpable. The one here described, however, owing to the number of changes produced, is an exceptionally good one, and is to be found in the repertoire of the leading performers of the day.

Four empty glass tumblers, together with a glass jug full of water, are arranged on a tray as shown in Fig. 41.

Water poured from the jug into—

No. 1, is seen to be clear.
No. 2, changes to stout.
No. 3, is seen to be clear.