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close as if it contained the coin, and be followed by the eyes of the performer, while the right hand disposes of the coin as may be necessary.

Fig. 6.—The Finger Palm
Following is an illustration of the way in which this sleight can be employed with good effect. Place a candle on the table to your left, and then execute the pass as above described. The thumb of the right hand should now close on the edge of the coin nearest to itself and draw it back
Fig. 7.—Application of the Finger Palm
a little; and at the same time the candle should be taken from the candle-stick between the thumb and fingers of the same hand, (Fig. 7). The left hand, which is supposed to contain the coin, should now be held over the candle and opened slowly, the effect to the spectators being that the coin is dissolved into the flame. Both hands should at