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Tricks with Handkerchiefs

On removing the caps the handkerchief will be found to have changed color.

At this point a good combination trick can be worked by the use of two duplicate handkerchiefs as follows:—Have a duplicate red handkerchief hanging over a chair, on the back of which is suspended a network servante. Another duplicate white handkerchief should be in readiness in the back of a match-box for producing from the flame of a candle as previously described.

When handing the gentleman the tube which is supposed to contain the white handkerchief, you take up the red one from the back of the chair, and at the same time dispose of the palmed cup by dropping it into the servante. The red handkerchief is now vanished by sleight of hand, or can be fired from the magic pistol, and eventually found in the brass tube.

To account for the disappearance of the white handkerchief you may remark:—"Oh, I dare say the white handkerchief has jumped out of the tube to make room for the red one. It has probably found its way into the candle on the table." To conclude the trick you light the candle and produce the handkerchief from the flame.

The tube can be used in many ways in com-