Page:Magic pill, or, Davie and Bess (1).pdf/6

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Tho' stung wi' guilt an' blate wi' shame,
He wished to share her smiles wi' them,
Sae with fear, hope, and agitation,
Gae her a kindly invitation
She paus'd an' bank't —he insisted,
So down by Dave’s side she rested.
About themsels he turn'd the talk,
An' even proposed a private walk;
While Bessie heard and said but little,
An' seem'd to care it not a spittle.—
Sax minutes time did scarcely pass,
When 'twas his turn to tak' the glass,
An' notice, while the punch he sipped!
Sly in his pouch the pill she slipped:
Quick up wi' majesty she started,
An' bouncin' to the floor she airted,
Whence back wi' her a spark came prancin',
An' gart her with him fa' a dancin'.
Poor Davie blushed—and ye could trace
The rainbow colours flush his face,
He naething said, but pensive sat
Reffecting he'd got tit for tat;
An' whiles by stealth with envy keeket
At ilk blythe blade an Bessie cleeket,
Thought them halesale his mortal foes,
An' keenly felt foreboding woes.-
He tried to hate her, but in vain.—
His saul in love took lowe again,
A love intenser far than ever,
Yet durstn mint to seek her favour,
While mirk despair, remorse an' sorrow,
His very inmost heart did harrow,
He curst his fate-thus anguish torn
The weddin left to shun her scorn,
An' never woo’d anither lass,
For his thoughts centered a' on Bess.
Auld Nanse, bout fax owks after this
Manoeuvre o' her doughter Bess,
Trudg'd to the town to ca' and tell

Her famous Doctor what befel,