Page:Mahometanism in its relation to prophecy - or, an inquiry into the prophecies concerning antichrist, with some reference to their bearing on the events of the present day (IA mahometanisminit00philrich).pdf/217

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meant by the Prophet, when he foretold the division of this land amongst his barbarian satellites!

But it is enough; the devil himself could do nothing worse; and it is time that God should interpose to bring such a desolation to an end. And so the Prophet now turns to a brighter theme, and a more cheering prospect.

"And at the time prefixed," says the Holy Ghost by the mouth of Daniel, "the King of the South shall fight against him." Now who is the King of the South? The south is a relative term; what is south of one place may be north of another; when, therefore, the Prophet talks of the King of the South, he may refer to a king who should reign over lands to the south of that land where the Prophet saw his vision, or he may mean to the south of the country which he immediately afterwards characterizes as "the north," over which would reign "the King of the North," or to the south of the land over which Antichrist himself should reign.

Now we must observe that Daniel ushers in this consoling prophecy by saying "at the time prefixed," that is, the time prefixed for Antichrist's destruction, in other words, towards the latter end of the 1260 years, which were prefixed for the continuance of his dominion. At that time the "King of the South shall fight