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( 4 )

I have all things in ſeaſon, both woodcock and pheaſant,
And I'm here like a juſtie of orum;
In my cabin-end I have a bed for a friend,
with a clean ſare-ſide and a jorum.

If it was not my feeding, you'd have but poor feeding
You'd ſurely be ſtarving without me;
I'm always content when I do pay my rent,
I'm happy when friends are about me.

Draw near to the table, my boys, when you're able,
Let's not have a word of complaining,
For the tinkling of giaſſes all muſic ſurpaſſes,
I long to ſee hogsheads a-draining.

Let the mighty and great roll is ſplendor and ſtate,
I do not envy them, I declare it;
I will eat my own ham, my chicken and lamb,
I will ſhear my own fleece, and wear it.

I have woods & bowers, with plenty fine flowers,
The lark in May-morning my alarmer;
My jolly boys now, who follow the plow,
Drink long life and (illegible text) to the farmer