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Hartog, Marcus, Williamson and, 255
Harvey, William Henry, life of, 202224
━━ ━━ collections of, 208210, 216218
━━ ━━ Darwin and, 221
━━ ━━ W. Hooker and, 207208, 211, 219
━━ ━━ influence of, 221
━━ ━━ lectures of, 213215
━━ ━━ publications of, 219
Hellriegel, on Leguminosae, 240241, 267
Henfrey, Arthur, life of, 192203
━━ ━━ on critical species, 201
━━ ━━ on fertilisation, 195
━━ ━━ on sex in plants, 193198
━━ ━━ Suminski and, 197198
━━ ━━ text-books of, 200
━━ ━━ as translator and editor, 200
━━ ━━ work of, 192
Henslow, George, on Henslow, 151163
Henslow, John Stevens, life of, 151163
━━ ━━ Berkeley and, 226
━━ ━━ botanical work of, 154
━━ ━━ collections of, 152153
━━ ━━ Ecology and, 152153
━━ ━━ Education and, 153154, 158159
━━ ━━ lectures of, 157
━━ ━━ on "rust" disease, 275
━━ ━━ scientific studies of, 151152
━━ ━━ views of, 156
Herbalist, Hill as, 92, 100
Herbalists, work of, 47
Herbals, of Culpeper, 47
━━ of Dodonaeus, 10
━━ of Fuchs, 9
━━ of Lobelius, 10
━━ of Parkinson, 47
━━ of Pierre Pena, 10
━━ of Tragus (Bock), 9
Herbarium, of Falconer and Griffith, 312
━━ Kew, 140
Herbs, classification and, 29, 30, 34
Hermann, work of, 26, 39
Hill, John, life of, 84107
━━ ━━ as actor, 85
━━ ━━ on anatomy, 9396
━━ ━━ character of, 104107
━━ ━━ as gardener, 93
━━ ━━ as herbalist, 92
━━ ━━ on Linnean method, 39
━━ ━━ on literature, 8687, 9293
━━ ━━ medical career of, 85
━━ ━━ methods of, 88
━━ ━━ on Natural History, 87
━━ ━━ on physiology, 96-100
━━ ━━ as systematist, 103
━━ ━━ on taxonomy, 100103
Hill, T. G., on J. Hill, 84
Himalayan Journals, Hooker's, 305
Hofmeister, influence of, 6
━━ morphology and, 4
━━ predecessors of, 135
━━ work of, 186, 191, 194, 195
Hofmeisterian epoch, papers of, 198
Hooke, on anatomy, 135
━━ on cellular structure, 53
━━ microscope and, 53
Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, life of, 302323
━━ ━━ as Administrator, 308-311
━━ ━━ Bentham and, 313
━━ ━━ Darwin and, 303, 316-319
━━ ━━ early life of, 302-303
━━ ━━ Edinburgh and, 293
━━ ━━ Essays of, 319-322
━━ ━━ as Geologist, 307-308
━━ ━━ as Systematist, 311-315
━━ ━━ as Traveller, 304-307
Hooker, Sir William, life of, 126-150
━━ ━━ Berkeley and, 227
━━ ━━ collections of, 139, 140
━━ ━━ on cryptogams, 227
━━ ━━ diagnosis and, 147-148
━━ ━━ Floristic works of, 143-145
━━ ━━ Glasgow and, 127, 129
━━ ━━ Icones Plantarum, 143
━━ ━━ Journals and, 142143
━━ ━━ Kew and, 127, 130, 133134, 136, 140, 149
━━ ━━ Linnean Society and, 127
━━ ━━ as Naturalist, 126127
━━ ━━ as Pteridologist, 144148
━━ ━━ as Systematist, 148149
━━ ━━ teaching and, 130132
Hookerian collections, Kew and, 310
Hope, life of, 286-290
━━ Alston and, 287
━━ Botanic Gardens and, 288
━━ de Jussieu and, 287
━━ physiology and, 286289
Horticulture, Lindley and, 3, 171, 172
How, British Flora and, 43
Hutton, Fossil botany and, 176177
Huxley, lectures of, 261
━━ on mutability of species, 317

Icones Plantarum, W. Hooker and, 143
Imbibition of water, Hales on, 7576
━━ ━━ Sachs on, 76
Immunity, Grass and, 276
━━ Ward on, 266
Index Kewensis, origin of, 314
India, J. D. Hooker's flora of, 312
━━ J. D. Hooker's travels in, 306
Ingenhousz, on plant nutrition, 69
Insectivorous plants, J. D. Hooker on, 308
Ipswich Museum, J. S, Henslow and, 156, 159, 160