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from Carnivora and resembles Lemuroids.[1] It has been pointed out that the form of the lower jaw "much resembles that of the Lemuroid Microrhynchus." There is, however, no doubt that it is rightly placed in the present group. The tail is very prehensile, and the animal is therefore, as might be supposed from this circumstance, purely arboreal. It has some twenty-eight vertebrae. This genus has a median groove upon the nose. The claws are long and sharply pointed, and the palms and soles of the feet are naked. The premolars are three, the molars two. There are fourteen dorsal vertebrae, of which nine are united to the nine-jointed sternum by ribs. There is but one species, C. caudivolvulus, of a uniform yellowish-brown colour.

Fig. 216.—Kinkajou. Cercoleptes caudivolvulus. × 16.

Fig. 217.—Coati. Nasua rufa. × 16.

Nasua, the Coati, ranges from Texas to Paraguay, and has two species. In Guatemala it reaches a height of 9000 feet on the mountains. The nose is produced into a short and very

  1. It is a curious fact that a native name for the creature is "Pottos" (cf. of course Potto); and indeed the generic name Potos seems to have the priority over Cercoleptes.