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consists of a Himalayan and Bornean, and of a Japanese species, which have not webbed feet, but have a tail with a fringe of elongated hairs.

Nectogale elegans is one of the characteristic animals of the Thibetan plateau. It has webbed feet. The teeth are as in Chimarrogale I 3/2 C 1/0 Pm 1/1 M 3/3.

The other genera are terrestrial in habit.

Sub-Order 2. DERMOPTERA.

Fig. 253.—Galeopithecus volans. × ⅓. (After Vogt and Specht.)

The family Galeopithecidae contains but one genus, which has been at times referred to the Lemurs, to the Bats, or has been made the type of a special order of mammals. It is better to regard it as an aberrant Insectivore—so different indeed from other forms that it requires a special sub-order for its reception.