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cautions to make their meeting appear accidental they must have suspected they were being followed. All the same, Carton did not know that his shadower was the 'Man in the Brown Suit.' When he recognized him, the shock was so great that he lost his head completely and stepped back onto the line. That all seems pretty clear, don't you think so, Anne?"

I did not reply.

"Yes, that's how it was. He took the paper from the dead man, and in his hurry to get away he dropped it. Then he followed the woman to Marlow. What did he do when he left there, when he had killed her—or, according to you, found her dead. Where did he go?"

Still I said nothing.

"I wonder, now," said Suzanne musingly. "Is it possible that he induced Sir Eustace Pedler to bring him on board as his secretary? It would be a unique chance of getting safely out of England, and dodging the hue and cry. But how did he square Sir Eustace? It looks as though he had some hold over him."

"Or over Pagett," I suggested in spite of myself.

"You don't seem to like Pagett, Anne. Sir Eustace says he's a most capable and hard-working young man. And, really, he may be for all we know against him. Well, to continue my surmises. Rayburn is the 'Man in the Brown Suit.' He had read the paper he dropped. Therefore, misled by the dot as you were, he attempts to reach Cabin 17 at one o'clock on the 22nd, having previously tried to get possession of the cabin through Pagett. On the way there somebody knifes him——"

"Who?" I interpolated.

"Chichester. Yes, it all fits in. Cable to Lord Nasby that you have found 'The Man in the Brown Suit,' and your fortune's made, Anne!"

"There are several things you've overlooked."