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Suddenly she stood up and drew back respectfully as Harry Rayburn entered. He gave her a nod of dismissal and she went out leaving us alone. He smiled at me.

"Really better to-day!"

"Yes, indeed, but very bewildered still. Where am I?"

"You're on a small island on the Zambesi about four miles up from the Falls."

"Do—do my friends know I'm here?"

He shook his head.

"I must send word to them."

"That is as you like of course, but if I were you I should wait until you are a little stronger."


He did not answer immediately, so I went on.

"How long have I been here?"

His answer amazed me.

"Nearly a month."

"Oh!" I cried. "I must send word to Suzanne. She'll be terribly anxious."

"Who is Suzanne?"

"Mrs. Blair. I was with her and Sir Eustace and Colonel Race at the hotel—but you knew that surely?"

He shook his head.

"I know nothing, except that I found you, caught in the fork of a tree, unconscious and with a badly wrenched arm."

"Where was the tree?"

"Overhanging the ravine. But for your clothes catching on the branches, you would infallibly have been dashed to pieces."

I shuddered. Then a thought struck me.

"You say you didn't know I was there. What about the note then?"

"What note?"