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Case 1:17-cr-00201-ABJ    Document 190-1    Filed 02/22/18    Page 5 of 37

Relevant Individuals And Entities

8. MANAFORT was a United States citizen. He resided in homes in Virginia, Florida, and Long Island, New York.

9. GATES was a United States citizen. He resided in Virginia.

10. In 2005, MANAFORT and another partner created Davis Manafort Partners, Inc. (DMP) to engage principally in political consulting. DMP had staff in the United States, Ukraine, and Russia. In 2011, MANAFORT created DMP International, LLC (DMI) to engage in work for foreign clients, in particular political consulting, lobbying, and public relations for the Government of Ukraine, the Party of Regions, and members of the Party of Regions. DMI was a partnership solely owned by MANAFORT and his spouse. GATES worked for both DMP and DMI and served as MANAFORT’s right-hand man.

11. The Party of Regions was a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine. Beginning in approximately 2006, it retained MANAFORT, through DMP and then DMI, to advance its interests in Ukraine, the United States, and elsewhere, including the election of its slate of candidates. In 2010, its candidate for President, Yanukovych, was elected President of Ukraine. In 2014, Yanukovych fled Ukraine for Russia in the wake of popular protests of widespread governmental corruption. Yanukovych, the Party of Regions, and the Government of Ukraine were MANAFORT, DMP, and DMI clients.

12. MANAFORT and GATES owned or controlled the following entities, which were used in the scheme (the MANAFORT–GATES entities):

Domestic Entities

Entity Name Date Created Incorporation Location
Bade LLC (RG) January 2012 Delaware