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United Nations — Treaty Series

Third, that the three nations shall combine their efforts in the common struggle against colonialism and imperialism in all their forms and manifestations and for the eradication of the vestiges thereof in the region in particular and the world in general;

Fourth, that the three nations, as new emerging forces in the region, shall cooperate in building a new and better world based on national freedom, social justice and lasting peace; and

Fifth, that in the context of the joint endeavours of the three nations to achieve the foregoing objectives, they have agreed to take initial steps towards the establishment of Mapilindo by holding frequent and regular consultations at all levels to be known as Mushawarah Mapilindo.

Manila, August 3, 1963.

(Signed) Soekarno
President of the Republic of Indonesia

(Signed) Diosdado Macapagal
President of the Philippines

(Signed) Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-haj
Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya