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their Sifters, ſome with their Wives, and others with ſuch as did ſeem like to be their Wives, many of whom mighty comely Damſels, that pleaſed me, and were a Sight I never expected, not thinking they could care for Law Matters, or to ſee the Judges, 1d.; but ſtrange how Women do flock to every Concourſe whether it be to ſee or only to be ſeen. There for the firſt Time I did behold Mr. Tomkyns, the young Barriſter, in his Wig, wherein he do look mighty ſedate, and I telling him I hoped he would come to open Term himſelf, made Anſwer as it might be ſome while firſt, he wiſhed I might live to ſee it. The People now crowding about the Doors of the Courts, the Police did make a Lane between them for my Lord Chancellor and the Judges to walk down, and Mr. Wagstaffe did call it Chancery Lane. My Lords ſtill not coming, he did obverve that now we had a Sample of the Law's Delay, and did pleaſantly lay the Lateneſs of the Breakfaſt to the Account of the Master of the Rolls. But they at laſt come, and we oppoſite the Court of Common Pleas got a good View of them to my Heart's Content. Firſt comes the Mace, and a Gentleman in his Court Suit, wearing a Sword and Bag, and with them the Great Seal; then my Lord Chancellor, and did walk down to his Court at the End of the Hall, looking the better of his Sickneſs, which I was glad. After him the other Judges, of whom moſt did enter the Door whereby we were, and mighty reverend they looked, but merry and in good Humour, and beamy and ruddy after their Breakfaſt. But to ſee Mr. Justice Talfourd come laſt of all, ſhaking Hands with his Friends on both Sides, he newly made a Judge, being a Poet, did moſt content me; and Mr. Wagstaffe did ſay he looked in good Caſe, and by no means puiſne. The Judges all entered, the Rabblement let into the Hall, and we away, fearing for our Pockets; which in Weſtminfter Hall are like to be very ſoon emptied.