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and did conduct the Muſique, but ſo quietly in the firſt Part that I could ſcarce have believed it, and methought ſhowed Reverence for the Compoſer; which was handſome. But good Lack! to ſee him preſently, when he come to direct "God Save the Queen," flouriſh his Batoon, and act: the mad Muſician! All the Company riſing and taking off their Hats was a noble Sight, and grand, the While, to hear that majeſtical Anthem, till preſently ſome moſt ridiculous and impertinent Variations ſet all the Houſe a laughing and ſome hiſſing, and I do ſuſpect Monsieur Jullien had a ſpecial Audience this Night, that would not away with ſuch Tricks. Between the Parts of the Concert, I into the Pit to walk about among the Sparks, and there a great Preſs, and the Houſe crammed to the Ceiling. Did viſit the Refreſhment and Reading Rooms, where young Blades and Laſſes drinking of Coffee and eating of Ices, and ſome Reading of the News, and with Shrubs and Statues round about,and the Houſe all White and Gold, and brightly lighted, mighty gay; and the Sparks jaunty, but not, I think, wearing ſuch flaming Neckcloths and Bread Pins as they were wont. Did ſtay out the ſecond Part only becauſe curious to hear the Row-Polka, and heard ſome Muſique of the Prophète, full of Snorting of Braſs Inſtruments and Tinkling of Triangles, and a long Waltz that did give me the Fidgets, and nothing wherein I could take any Delight at all, fave in Jetty Treffz her ſinging of "Trab. trab." which was pretty. At laſt, the Row-Polka played, and well-named it ſeemed to be, and very droll and abſurd, with Chiming-in of Voices and other monſtrous Accompaniments, making a good ridiculous rough Muſique. But many of the Hearers did hiſs, methought with Unreaſon, the Polka being no worſe than any other Polka, but better, as leſs empty, having ſome Joke in it. Home, the Wedding March running in my Head, and glad to find good Muſique drawing ſo great a Houſe, which I do hope will be a Hint to Monsieur Jullien.