Page:Manual of The Mother Church.djvu/116

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of this Church. The Pastor Emeritus is not to be consulted on cases of discipline, on the cases of candidates for admission to this Church, or on the cases of those on trial for dismissal from the Church.

Private Communications. Sect. 8. A strictly private communication from the Pastor Emeritus to a member of her Church shall not be made public without her written consent.

Unauthorized Legal Action. Sect. 9. A member of this Church shall not employ an attorney, nor take legal action on a case not provided for in its By-Laws — if said case relates to the person or to the property of Mary Baker Eddy — without having personally conferred with her on said subject.

Duty to God. Sect. 10. Members of this Church who turn their attention from the divine Principle of being to personality, sending gifts, congratulatory despatches or letters to the Pastor Emeritus on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, or Easter, break a rule of this Church and are amenable therefor.

Opportunity for Serving the Leader. Sect. 11. At the written request of the Pastor Emeritus, Mrs. Eddy, the Board of Directors shall