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Defense against Malpractice. Sect. 3. Teachers shall instruct their pupils how to defend themselves against mental malpractice, never to return evil for evil, but to know the truth that makes free, and thus to be a law, not unto others, but to themselves.

Number of Pupils. Sect. 4. The teachers of Christian Science shall teach but one class yearly, which class shall consist of not more than thirty pupils. After 1907, the Board of Education shall have one class triennially, a Normal class not exceeding thirty pupils.

Pupil's Tuition. Sect. 5. A student's price for teaching Christian Science shall not exceed $100.00 per pupil.

Associations. Sect. 6. The associations of the pupils of loyal teachers shall convene annually. The pupils shall be guided by the Bible, and Science and Health, not by their teachers' personal views. Teachers shall not call their pupils together, or assemble a selected number of them, for more frequent meetings.

A Single Field of Labor. Sect. 7. A loyal teacher of Christian Science shall not teach another loyal teacher's pupil, except it be in the Board of Education. Outside of this Board each