Page:Manual of The Mother Church.djvu/164

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tian Science, or from the Massachusetts Metaphysical College Board of Education.

Healing Better than Teaching. Sect. 7. Healing the sick and the sinner with Truth demonstrates what we affirm of Christian Science, and nothing can substitute this demonstration. I recommend that each member of this Church shall strive to demonstrate by his or her practice, that Christian Science heals the sick quickly and wholly, thus proving this Science to be all that we claim for it.

If both husband and wife are found duly qualified to teach Christian Science, either one, not both, should teach yearly one class.

Not Members of The Mother Church. Sect. 8. No person shall receive instructions in Christian Science in any class in the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, nor receive the degree of C.S.B. or C.S.D., who is not a member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

Only those persons who are members of this Church and possessed of the qualifications named in Sect. 9 of Article XXVI of these By-Laws shall be deemed loyal teachers of Christian Science.