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for “the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner.”

The charter for the Church was obtained June, 1879, and the same month the members, twenty-six in number, extended a call to Mary Baker Eddy to become their pastor. She accepted the call, and was ordained A. D. 1881. Although walking through deep waters, the little Church went steadily on, increasing in numbers, and at every epoch saying,

“Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.”

On the twenty-third day of September, 1892, at the request of Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, twelve of her students and Church members met and reorganized, under her jurisdiction, the Christian Science Church and named it, The First Church of Christ, Scientist.

At this meeting twenty others of Mrs. Eddy's students and members of her former Church were elected members of this Church, — those with others that have since been elected were known as “First Members.” The Church Tenets, Rules, and By-Laws, as prepared by Mrs. Eddy, were adopted. A By-Law adopted March 17, 1903, changed the title of “First Members” to “Executive Members.” (On July 8, 1908, the By-Laws pertaining to “Executive Members” were repealed.)