Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/1015

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** sterile fronds pinnatifid above, pinnate below, central and lower pinnæ free, but mere or less dilated at their bases.
a. Pinnæ at the base of the frond not reduced in size.
Fronds 4–14 in. , lanceolate-deltoid. Pinnæ 1–3 in. lanceolate or ensiform, the lowest pair often deflexed 3. L. vulcanica.
b. Pinnæ gradually reduced in size towards the base of the frond.
Fronds 1–3 ft. × 3–6 in., submembranous. Pinnæ 1½–3 in. × ⅓–⅔ in., lanceolate, falcate, acuminate. Pinnæ of fertile fronds 2–3 in. long. 4. L. Norfolkiana.
Fronds 6–18 in. × 2–4 in., submembranous. Pinnæ 1–2 in. × ¼–½ in., oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute, sinuate-crenate. Pinnæ of fertile fronds ¾–1½ in., narrow-linear, acute 5. L. lanceolata.
Fronds 9–30 in. × 1½–4 in., fleshy or coriaceous. Pinnæ ¾–2½ in. × ¼–½ in., linear-oblong to lanceolate, entire. Pinnæ of fertile fronds ¾–1½ in., linear-oblong, obtuse 6. L. dura.
Rhizome short. Fronds 4–12 in. × ½–1 in., dark-green, coriaceous. Pinnæ ⅓–½ in. × ¼ in., oblong to suborbicular. Fertile fronds shorter than the sterile 7. L. Banksii.
Rhizome creeping. Fronds 2–12 in. × ⅓–⅔ in., coriaceous to submenibranous. Pinnæ ⅕–⅓ in., ovate-oblong to linear-oblong. Fertile fronds longer than the sterile; pinnæ linear-oblong, obtuse 8. L. alpina.
*** Sterile fronds pinnate, or pinnatifid above; pinnæ not dilated at their
Rhizome short, thick. Fronds often very large, 1–8 ft. long. Pinnæ 3–12 in. × ½–1 in., linear, coriaceous 9. L. capensis.
Rhizome very long, climbing. Sterile fronds dimorphic; lower with small rounded pinnæ; upper with long lanceolate falcate ones 10. L. filiformis.
Rhizome short, suberect. Fronds 3–8 in. × 1–1½ in., blackish-green, lyrate-pinnatifid. Terminal pinnæ much longer than the lateral 11. L. nigra.
Rhizome stout, suberect. Fronds 12–30 in. × ¾–1½ in., linear, membranous; rhachis and stipes bristly and scaly. Pinnæ ½–¾ in. × ¼–⅓ in., oblong to suborbicular, obtuse 12. L. fluviatilis.
Rhizome short, suberect. Fronds 3–10 in. × ¾–1½ in., submembranous; stipes and rhachis naked. Pinnæ ½–¾ in., ovate-oblong to oblong, obtuse 13. L. membranacea.
B. Fronds bipinnate
Rhizome often produced into a caudex resembling the trunk of a miniature tree-fern. Fronds 9–18 in. long, ovate, acuminate 14. L. Fraseri.

1. L. Patersoni, Spreng. Syst. Veg. iv. 62; var. elongata. Hook, and Bak. Syn. Fil. 174.—Rhizome short, stout, creeping, clothed with blackish-brown scales, sometimes stoloniferous; rootlets tomentose. Stipes 3–9 in. long, stout, black, scaly at the base. Sterile fronds very variable; of young plants (and occasionally of old ones) quite simple and entire, 6–12 in. long, 1–1½ in. broad; of old plants pinnatifid, 1–3 ft. long or more, 6–12 in. broad, broadly