Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/1164

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Obtuse. Blunt or rounded at the end.

Ocellate, Oculate. Having circular patches of colour like eyes.

Ochraceous. Ochre-colour; light-yellow with a tinge of red.

Ochreate, Ocreate. Provided with an ochrea, a tubular stipule sheathing the stem, as in many Polygonaceæ.

Oligandrous. Having few stamens.

Opposite. Standing against or facing each other, as leaves when two spring from the same node, or when a stamen stands in front of a petal.

Orbicular. Applied to a leaf or other body having a circular outline.

Order. A group of plants above the genus in rank, and containing several or many closely allied genera.

Organ. Any definite part of a plant, as a cell, a leaf, a flower, &c.

Orthotropous, Orthotropal. Applied to an ovule with a straight axis, the chalaza being at the point of insertion, and the micropyle at the opposite end.

Osseous. Bony.

Ovary. The lower swollen part of the pistil, containing the ovules.

Ovate. Shaped like the longitudinal section of an egg, the broadest part being towards the base.

Ovoid. A solid with the shape of an egg.

Ovulate. Possessing ovules.

Ovule. The young seed in the ovary; an organ which after fertilisation developes into the seed.

Ovuliferous. Bearing ovules.

Palate. A projection within the throat of an irregular gamopetalous corolla; the prominent lower hp of a bilabiate corolla.

Palea. (1.) The innermost bract or glume in grasses. (2.) The chaffy scales mixed with the florets on the receptacle of many Compositæ.

Paleaceous. Chaffy or furnished with chaff-like scales.

Palmate. Lobed or divided so that the divisions radiate from the summit of the petiole.

Palmatifid. Cut in a palmate manner almost as far as the petiole.

Panduriform. Fiddle-shaped.

Panicle. A loose irregularly branched inflorescence usually containing many flowers; a branched raceme or corymb.

Panicled, Paniculate. After the manner of a panicle; bearing a panicle.

Papilionaceous. Butterfly-like; applled to the irregular pea-like flowers characteristic of the suborder Papilionaceæ of the Leguminosæ

Papilla. A soft superficial gland or protuberance.

Papillose. Covered with papillæ.

Pappiform. Resembling pappus.

Pappus. The hairs, bristles, or scales crowning the achene in Compositæ, representing the calyx-limb.

Papyraceous. Having the texture of paper.

Parasite. A plant growing upon another plant and deriving nourishment from it.

Parasitic. Growing as a parasite.

Parietal. Borne on the walls or interior surface of an ovary; attached to the wall of any organ.

Partite. Cleft almost to the base.

Partial. A secondary division, as a partial umbel; opposed to "primary" or "general."

Partition. An inner wall or dissepiment.

Patent. Widely spreading.

Patulous. Slightly spreading.

Pectinate. Applied to a pinnatifid leaf with very narrow segments like the teeth of a comb.