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** Peduncles short, seldom over 1 in. Fascicles dense, many-flowered, rarely few-flowered. | |
Subalpine dwarf shrub. Leaves very coriaceous, serrulate. Fascicles small, 2–5-flowered | 4. C. serrulata. |
Maritime shrub. Branchlets glabrous or nearly so. Leaves fleshy, bright-green; margins recurved | 5. C. Baueri. |
Tree 15–40 ft. Branchlets coarsely pubescent. Leaves 1½–3 in., oblong or obovate | 6. C. chathamica. |
Maritime shrub. Branchlets finely pubescent. Leaves 1–2 in., subcoriaceous, oblong, obtuse; margins flat | 7. C. petiolata. |
Leaves 2–5 in., elliptic oblong, acute, firm, coriaceous. Drupe orange | 8. C robusta. |
Leaves 1½–2 in., linear or lanceolate, coriaceous. Drupe pale and translucent | 9. C. Cunninghamii |
Leaves 1½–3 in., ovate-lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, acuminate, membranous, glabrous. Inflorescence lax | 10. C. acutifolia. |
Leaves 1½–4 in., ovate-lanceolate to ovate, acuminate, membranous; petioles and midribs hairy. Inflorescence dense | 11. C. tenuifolia. |
Tree 15–30 ft. Leaves ovate- or orbicular-spathulate, narrowed into winged petioles | 12. C. arborea. |
B. Erect or rarely prostrate shrubs. Leaves small, less than 1 in. Flowers solitary or in few-flowered fascicles on minute arrested branchlets, which are often so much reduced that the flowers appear to be axillary. | |
* Twigs glabrate or puberulous. Leaves spathulate. Drupe globose, black. | |
Leaves suddenly contracted into a narrow winged petiole longer than the blade | 13. C. spathulata. |
** Twigs densely pubescent (except in C. tenuicaulis). Leaves orbicular, orbicular-spathulate, or broadly oblong (often narrow in C. rhamnoides). Drupe globose, black or red. | |
Branches divaricating. Leaves ⅓–1 in., orbicular, cuspidate, membranous. Drupe often didymous, 16 in. diam., red | 14. C. rotundifolia. |
Branches fastigiate. Leaves ⅓–⅔ in., orbicular-spathulate, acute, membranous. Drupe 16 in. diam., black or nearly so | 15. C. areolata. |
Branches spreading. Leaves ¼–½ in., orbicular-spathulate, obtuse, rather coriaceous. Drupe 18 in. diam., black | 16. C. tenuicaulis. |
Branches spreading, often interlaced. Leaves ¼–¾ in., variable, orbicular to ovate-oblong or linear-oblong. Drupe 16 in. diam., red | 17. C. rhamnoides. |
*** Twigs densely pubescent (except in C. ramulosa). Leaves oblong linear-oblong, or linear-obovate. Drupe globose. | |
Leaves ¼–⅔ in., oblong to obovate, densely ciliate | 18. C. ciliata. |
Erect, leafy. Leaves ¼–¾ in., obovate or linear-obovate. Drupe 18 in, diam., bluish or bluish-violet to black | 19. C. parviflora. |
Prostrate or decumbent, glabrate. Leaves ⅓ in., linear-obovate. Drupe 16 in. diam., red | 20. C. ramulosa. |
**** Twigs nearly glabrous. Leaves orbicular to oblong or obovate (spathulate in C. virescens). Drupe oblong, rarely obovoid, usually yellow. | |
Branches ascending, puberulous. Leaves ½–1 in. long, obovate or oblong-ovate, coriaceous | 21. C. Buchanani. |