Glabrous or pubescent. Stems stout or slender, 1–2 ft. Leaves 1–2 in., toothed or lobed or pinnatifid, rather fleshy. Heads ⅓–¼ in. diam., rays usually present | 7. S. lautus. |
Everywhere glaucous. Stems numerous, 1–3 ft. Leaves 2–4 in., obovate-spathulate, sinuate-toothed. Heads ⅓–½ in. diam., radiate | 8. S. glaucophyllus. |
Tall, erect, much branched, glabrous, 2–4 ft. high. Leaves 2–8 in., ovate-oblong, membranous, toothed or lobed or pinnatifid. Heads ½–¾ in., radiate | 9. S. latifolius. |
Tall, stout, erect, glabrous, 2–5 ft. Leaves 2–5 in., oblong or linear-oblong, coriaceous, often glaucous, sinuate-dentate. Heads ¼–⅓ in., radiate | 10. S. Banksii. |
Erect, branched, 1–2 ft., clothed with white cobwebby tomentum. Leaves 1–4 in., oblong ovate to lanceolate, toothed or lobed or pinnatifid. Heads ⅓–½ in., radiate | 11. S. Colensoi. |
B. Shrubs or small trees. | |
* Heads radiate, rays white. | |
Thinly tomentose. Leaves 6–12 in., oblong-lanceolate or oblong-ovate, acutely toothed, with a few small pinnse at the base. Heads large, 1–2 in. diam. | 12. S. Hectori. |
Perfectly glabrous. Leaves 2–5 in., lanceolate to broad-obovate, rather fleshy, entire or sinuate-dentate. Heads large, ½–2 in. diam. | 13. S. Kirkii. |
Tomentose and glandular. Leaves 3–7 in., oblong-lanceolate, coarsely dentate, white and silky beneath. Heads small, ⅓ in. diam. | 14. S. myrianthos. |
** Heads radiate, rays yellow. | |
Climbing; branches flexuose, slender. Leaves 1–2 in., orbicular, toothed. Heads ⅓ in. diam. | 15. S. sciadophilus. |
Erect, bushy, 2–6 ft. Leaves 1–2 in., oblong, crenate-toothed. Heads ⅓ in. diam. | 16. S. perdicioides. |
Shrub or small tree, 6–20 ft. Leaves 2–4 in., elliptic-lanceolate or -oblong, entire, fulvous beneath Heads ½–¾ in.; rays broad | 17. S. Huntii. |
Shrub or small tree, 6–25 ft. Leaves 3–7 in., lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, entire, white beneath. Heads ½–¾ in., rays narrow, contorted | 18. S. Stewartiæ. |
Diffuse shrub, 1–4 ft. Leaves 1–3 in., elliptic-lanceolate, acute at both ends, entire, white beneath. Panicle narrow, lax. Heads few, ¾ in. diam. | 19. S. laxifolius. |
Spreading shrub, 2–8 ft. Leaves 1½–3½ in., oblong-ovate, entire, softly cottony beneath. Corymb broad, dense. Heads numerous, ¾–1 in. diam. | 20. S. Greyii. |
Compact shrub 2–4 ft. Leaves ¾–1½ in., oblong or obovate, obscurely crenulate, white beneath. Racemes few-flowered. Heads ¾–1 in. diam. | 21. S. compactus. |
Much-branched shrub 2–6 ft. Leaves ½–1½ in., narrow oblong-obovate, wrinkled and crenate, white beneath. Corymbs many-flowered. Heads ½–⅓ in. diam. | 22. S. Monroi. |
Small shrub ½–1½ ft. Leaves viscid, 1–2½ in., lanceolate, flat. Corymb dense, leafy, tomentose, ½–¾ in. diam. | 23. S. revolutus. |
Robust much-branched shrub 3–5 ft. Leaves 1–2 in., oblong, excessively viscid and coriaceous; margins recurved. Corymb lax, glabrous, viscid. Heads ¾ in. diam. | 24. S. Adamsii. |