Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/780

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1. R. sapida, Wendl. and Drude in Kerch. Palm. 255.—Stem rather slender, smooth, 10–25 ft. high, 6–9 in. diam., rarely more. Leaves 4–8 ft. long; rhachis clothed with copious lepidote scales; leaflets very numerous, 2–3 ft. long or more, 1–2 in. broad, linear-ensiform, midrib and main veins covered with lepidote scales; margins replicate at the base. Spadix 1–2 ft. long, much and closely branched, glabrous; spathes 2 or 3. Flowers very densely crowded, purplish-lilac. Drupe ½ in. long, elliptic-oblong, bright-red.—Areca sapida, Soland. ex Forst. f. Pl. Escul. 66; A. Rich. Fl. Nouv. Zel. 157; A. Cunn. Precur. n. 298; Raoul, Choix, 40; Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 262, t. 59, 60; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 288; Bot. Mag. t. 5139. Kentia sapida, Mart. Hist. Nat. Palm. iii. 312.

North Island: Abundant in forests throughout. South Island: In lowland districts not far from the coast as far south as Banks Peninsula and Hokitika, rare and local. Chatham Islands: F. A. D. Cox! Sea-level to 2000 ft. Nikau. January–April.

The nikau-palm, so well known to all residents in the northern half of the colony, is of special interest as being the most southern member of its order. The unexpanded central bud and the very young spadix are both edible, and were formerly eaten by the Maoris, and even by European settlers. Branched specimens are occasionally seen; a very remarkable one with no less than 11 branches has been described and figured by Mr. Percy Smith (Trans. N.Z. Inst. x. 357, t. 15). Mr. Cockayne refers the Chatham Islands plant to the following species, but fruiting specimens sent to me by Mr. F. A. D. Cox have the elliptic-oblong drupe of R. sapida, and not the globose one of R. Baueri.

2. R. Baueri, Wendl. and Drude in Bot. Zeit. xxxv. (1877) 638.—Very closely allied to the preceding species, but larger and stouter, sometimes attaining a height of 50 ft. with a trunk over 12 in. diam. Leaves larger and more numerous; segments usually longer and broader, inflorescence larger, the spadices said to be sometimes 3 ft. in length. Drupe altogether different in shape, globose or nearly so, ½–⅔ in. diam.—Kentia Baueri, Seem. Fl. Vit. 269; Cheesem. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx. (1888) 174. Areca Baueri, Hook. f. in Illustr. Hortic. xv. (1868) 575; Bot. Mag. t. 5735. A. sapida, Endl. Prodr. Fl. Norfolc. 26 (not of Soland.).

Kermadec Islands: Sunday Island, abundant from sea-level to the tops of the hills, alt. 1500 ft., T.F.C. Chatham Islands (?): Index Kewensis, iv. 713.

Originally discovered in Norfolk Island, and supposed by Endlicher to be the same as the New Zealand species, from which it is easily distinguished by the larger size and globose fruit. It is stated to be found in the Chatham Islands in the "Index Kewensis," but I have seen no specimens from thence.


Trees or shrubs or climbers, frequently with aerial roots. Leaves usually long and narrow, acuminate, sheathing at the base, coriaceous, keeled, margins and keel spinulose-serrate. Flowers diœcious, both sexes densely crowded on simple or branched