Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/848

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Culms reddish, densely tufted, 1–2 ft. Leaves strict, semiterete. Spikelets 4–6, ½–1½ in. long. Glumes pale. Utricles elliptic, plano-convex; margins serrate 28. C. Buchanani.
Culms very short, 1–4 in. Spikelets 4–5, ⅕–⅓ in. long, approximate, almost concealed by the leaves. Utricles narrow elliptic-ovoid, piano convex, narrowed into a long acutely bidentate beak 28. C. cirrhosa.
Culms very short, 1–4 in. Spikelets 4–5, ⅕–¼ in. long, closely approximate. Utricles elliptic-ovoid, turgid, unequally biconvex; beak very short 30. C. rubicunda.
* Styles 3. Nut trigonous. (Styles often 2 in C. Berggreni.)
† Utricles glabrous (or the margins serrate above), hardly spreading when ripe.
a. Small species. Culms 1–5 in. high, overtopped by the leaves. Spikelets 3–4, closely approximate, often concealed by the leaves.
Reddish. Culms very short, ½–1½ in. Leaves 1–2 in. × 1/151/12 in., linear, flat, obtuse. Utricles elliptic, biconvex or obscurely trigonous; margins smooth; beak short. Styles often 2 31. C. Berggreni.
Green. Culms 1–3 in. Leaves 1/20 in. broad, acute. Utricles narrow-ovoid, trigonous; margins serrate; beak rather long 32. C. Hectori.
Glaucous-green. Culms 1–3 in. Leaves 2–6 in. × 1/301/15 in. Utricles broadly ovoid, plano-convex; margins serrate; beak short 33. C. decurtata.
Brownish-red or green. Culms 1–5 in. Leaves much longer, 3–10 in. × 1/301/15 in.; tips often curled and twisted. Utricles elliptic-oblong, trigonous; margins smooth; beak very short 34. C. uncifolia.
b. Slender; culms 6–16 in. high. Leaves narrow, 1/301/12 in. broad, plano-convex or nearly so. Male spikelets solitary.
Culms 4–10 in. Leaves usually shorter, narrow. Spikelets 3–5, distant. Utricles narrow-ovoid, trigonous; margins smooth; beak short 35. C. Dallii.
Culms 5–15 in. Leaves with broad sheathing bases, tips curled and twisted. Glumes pale. Utricles narrow-ovoid, unequally biconvex; margins smooth; beak short 36. C. Petriei.
Culms 6–18 in., filiform. Leaves shorter or longer than the culms. Utricles elliptic-lanceolate, plano-convex; margins sharply serrate; beak long 37. C. comans.
Culms 4–9 in. Leaves much longer, 12–20 in. Spikelets 5–6, closely approximate, pale. Utricles elliptic-ovoid, unequally biconvex; margins smooth; beak rather long 38. C. plesiostachys.
Culms 9–24 in. Spikelets 3–5, short, bread. Utricles broadly ovoid, turgid, biconvex; margins smooth; beak short 39. C. litorosa.
c. Tall, stout or slender; culms 1–3 ft. high or more. Leaves flat or keeled, ⅛–½ in. broad. Male spikelets usually more than one (except in C. dissita).
Culms stout or slender, 1–2½ ft. Leaves ¼–⅓ in. broad. Spikelets 4–8, distant, on short peduncles, the lower rarely compound. Male spikelet solitary 40. C. dissita.