Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/940

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*** Culms ½–1 in., densely tufted and compacted, forming patches 2–6 in. across.
Leaves minute, ⅙–½ in. long. Panicle reduced to 1–3 spikelets 15. P. pygmæa.
C. Two outer glumes reaching more than half-way up the flowering glumes immediately above them. Flowering glumes broad, obtuse. Anthers small often minute, 1/251/15 in. long, oblong.
Culms 6–18 in., stout or slender, leafy throughout. Panicle 2–6 in., many-flowered. Spikelets ⅙–⅓ in., green or purplish-green. Flowering glumes prominently 5-nerved, glabrous or rarely with a tuft of hairs on the callus 16. P. Kirkii.
Culms 3–12 in., slender and delicate, leafy at the base. Panicle 1–3 in., few-flowered. Spikelets 1/101/8 in. long, silvery-brown. Flowering glumes faintly 5-nerved, silky with short white hairs 17. P. Lindsayi.
Culms 2–4 in., leafy throughout. Panicle lax, few-flowered. Spikelets 3–6, turgid, ⅛–⅙ in. long, purplish-brown. Flowering glumes glabrous 18. P. incrassata.
Culms 1–5 in., leafy throughout. Panicle contracted, few-flowered. Spikelets compressed, 1/101/8 in., green tinged with purplish-red. Flowering glumes quite glabrous, margins white and membranous 19. P. exigua.
Culms 1–3 in., leafy at the base. Panicle contracted into an oblong head ¼–⅓ in. long. Spikelets 4–12, ⅙ in. long, pale glaucous-green. Flowering glumes silky with short crisped hairs 20. P. Maniototo.
Culms 2–8 in., rigid. Leaves rough with minute asperities. Panicle ¾–2 in. long, dense and spiciform, many-flowered. Spikelets ⅛ in. Flowering glumes quite glabrous, margins white and membranous 21. P. sclerophylla.
D. Two outer glumes not reaching half-way up the flowering glumes immediately above them. Flowering glumes broadly oblong or ovate-oblong, obtuse or acute, glabrous. Anthers minute, 1/601/50 in., oblong.
Culms 3–14 in., blender, leafy, flaccid. Spikelets 1/101/8 in. Flowering glumes broadly oblong, obtuse, faintly 3–5-nerved 22. P. imbecilla.
Culms 6–12 in., slender, leafy, flaccid. Spikelets 1/101/8 in. Outer glumes very minute. Flowering glumes oblong-ovate, acute, prominently 3-nerved 23. P. breviglumis.

1. P. foliosa, Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 338 (excl. var. b).—Often forming large tussocks. Culms densely tufted, 1–4 ft. high, ⅓–⅔ in. diam. at the base, stout, erect, leafy, compressed below. Leaves very numerous, subdistichous, usually exceeding the culms, 1–4 ft. long, ⅓–¾ in. broad, gradually narrowed into acuminate points, flat, coriaceous, glabrous, minutely scabrid above, somewhat glaucous beneath; sheaths rather lax, broad, compressed, striate, glabrous; ligules short, membranous, entire or dentate. Panicle large, linear-oblong, dense, contracted, inclined or nodding, 3–10 in. long, 1–3 in. broad; rhachis stout, grooved, glabrous; branches suberect, much divided, slender, glabrous, multi-spiculate. Spikelets shortly pedicelled, much compressed, rather large, ¼–⅓ in. long,