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The Order of Blessing Water.

sprinkling of this water, that they, being healed by the invocation of Thy holy name, may be defended from all that rise up against them. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.

R. Amen.

The Priest thrice mingles salt with water in the form of a Cross, saying once:

LET this become a mixture of salt and water, in the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

R. Amen.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.

O GOD, Author of invincible might, King of unconquerable dominion, and ever a Conqueror who doest wonders, who puttest down the strength of all that rise up against Thee; who overcomest the rage of the adversary; who by Thy power dost cast down his wickedness; we, O Lord, with fear and trembling humbly entreat and implore Thee to mercifully look upon this creature of salt and water, to graciously illumine and sanctify it with the dew of Thy favor; that wheresoever it shall be sprinkled, by the invocation of Thy holy name all troubling of unclean spirits may be cast out, and the dread of the poisonous serpent be chased far away; and let the presence of the Holy Ghost vouchsafe to be with us, who ask Thy mercy in every place. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.

R. Amen.