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Evening Prayers.

Psalm 30.

IN Thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in Thy justice.

Bow down Thine ear unto me: make haste to deliver me.

Be Thou unto me a God, a protector: and a house of refuge to save me.

For Thou art my strength and my refuge: and for Thy name's sake Thou wilt lead me, and nourish me.

Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me: for Thou art my protector.

Into Thy hands I commend my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, God of truth.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 90.

HE that dwelleth in the help of the Most High: shall abide under the protection of the God of Heaven.

He shall say unto the Lord: Thou art my upholder, and my refuge: my God, in Him will I hope.

For He hath delivered me from the snare of the hunters; and from the sharp word.

He shall overshadow thee with His shoulders: and under His wings shalt thou trust.

His truth shall compass thee with a shield: thou shalt not be afraid for the terror of the night;

For the arrow that flieth in the day; for the plague that walketh in the darkness; for the assault of the evil one in the noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee.