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Evening Prayers.

misery, when my sins had provoked Thee to punish me; and Thou hast graciously continued to spare me, even though I have not ceased to offend Thee. What return, O my God, can I make for Thine innumerable blessings, and particularly for the favors of this day? O all ye Saints and Angels, unite with me in praising the God of mercies, who is so bountiful to so unworthy a creature.

Our Father. Hail Mary. I believe in God.

Ask of God light to discover the sins committed this day.

O MY God, sovereign Judge of men, who desirest not the death of a sinner, but that he should be converted and saved, enlighten my mind, that I may know the sins which I have this day committed in thought, word, or deed, and give me the grace of true contrition.

Here examine your Conscience; then say:

O MY God, I heartily repent, and am grieved that I have offended Thee, because Thou art infinitely good, and sin is infinitely displeasing to Thee. I humbly ask of Thee mercy and pardon, through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ. I resolve, by the assistance of Thy grace, to do penance for my sins, and I will endeavor never more to offend Thee.

I confess to Almighty God, etc.

[Here may be said the Litany of Loreto, p. 65.]

O GOD, hear my prayers on behalf of our Holy Father Pope N., our Bishop N., our clergy, and for all that are in authority over us. Bless, I beseech Thee, the whole Catholic Church, and convert all here-