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Keep me, guard me as a thing of thine, thine own possession.

For the last ejaculation alone, Indulgence of 40 days each time it is said by one who thus seeks the aid of the Blessed Virgin, when attacked by temptation.

Act of Resignation to the Holy Will of God.

O MY God! I do not know what will happen to me to-day; all that I know is, nothing can befall me which Thou hast not foreseen and ordained from all eternity; and, therefore, I am resigned to all. O my heavenly Father! I adore Thy eternal designs; I submit to them with all my heart. I offer to Thee the entire sacrifice of my own will, and I unite this sacrifice to that of Thy dear Son, my Saviour; and I beseech Thee, through His infinite merits, to grant me, in all my trials and afflictions, that unalterable pa-