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When you perform good works, seek not to please creatures, desire only to please God. The eyes of men are like thieves who rob you of the merit of your good works. (St. Aloysius.)

Oh, what a precious flower is purity, and how delicate! A look, a word, a sigh, is sufficient to destroy its beauty. Therefore, chaste souls continually distrust themselves, and avoid the slightest occasions which may expose them to danger. (Nouet.)

Prudence is the first resource we have in order to fulfil our duties well. (St. Ambrose.)

But one thing is necessary.

To be saved, we must not only avoid evil, we must do good. (Fenelon.)

You have time to-day to labor for your salvation, perhaps you will not have it to-morrow.


There are but few peaceful souls, because there are so few who pray, (de Ramgnan.)

Have we not repelled God a hundred times when He knocked with love at the door of our hearts? How long He waited! Is it not just that He should now make us wait? (St. Augustine.)