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MARCH, 1916
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—½ K. W. Blitzen transformer; Ferron detector stand; 1500 meter tuner; ¼″ coil; 20 speed rheostat for gap motor; 1000, ohm receiver complete. Maurice B. Rann, Morrice, Mich.

FOR SALE—Four inch Mesco spark coil in excellent condition. Justus Agnoli, 16 Purvis St., Long Island City, N. Y.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—One type B crystaloi detector in good condition, $2.25; 100 ampere, 600 volt Lightning Switch, parts, less base, $1.50. Wanted; Blitzen or Murdock 43 plate rotary variable condenser. W. A. Meyer, L382 N. 13th St., Sheboygan, Wis.

WANTED—Clapp-Eastham Blitzen receiving transformer and variable condenser. Price must be reasonable. Murdock detector for sale or trade. H. D. Mattox, 260 West 11th St., Pomona, Calif.

FOR SALE—Two new DeForest Audions, no renewals necessary. Wanted a burnt out Audion. Quote lowest price. Wm. P. Earle, Jr., Box 375, White Plains, N. Y.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— “Dazzler” bicycle gas lamp, $1.00; also one second hand “Solar” gas lamp in good condition. Will sell cheap. Wanted: good rotary variable condenser at a reasonable price. E. H. Snider, 20 Normandy Ave., Rochester, N._Y.

FOR SALE—1 K. W. rotary, $15.00. All communications answered. Harold Burhop, 1945 N. 7th St., Sheboygan, Wis.

FOR SALE—Complete Blitzen receiving set in good condition, or parts of same. Will Sell cheap. C. G. Fuss, Little Valley, N. Y.

BARGAINS—One Bulldog 1″ spark coil without vibrator, $2.00; one commercial $5.00 key, $1.00; one ¾ K. W. Thordorson transformer (cost $18.00), $9.50. Must sell quick. W. J. King, 462 Pine St., New Orleans, La.

EXCHANGE—1 K. W. Clapp-Eastham transformer for ½ K. W. Thordarson with variable condenser to boot. Write me your wants. King Sam, 17 N. Elm St., Waterbury, Conn.

FOR SALE—Clapp-Eastham half K. W. Hightone set complete with continuous primary adjustment, $75. C. E. Type D Commercial Tuner, mahogany case with mounted loading coil, cost $100, $70. Blitzen Receiving Set with self-contained detector, $18. 1 Vibroplex key, $7. 1 Highgrade Omnigraph, $15, all in new condition. F. Underwood, Room 437 49 Westminster Street, Providence, R. I.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: All kinds of wireless apparatus, including 80 watt dynamo, one to one transformer for audion amplifier, audion attachments, etc. Am in need of head-set, loose-coupler, variables, etc. Write me what you want or need. J. W. Holligan, 328 East 19th St., New York, N. Y.

FOR SALE—The best text book of wireless telegraphy. Written by Dr. Zenneck. The book is noted for its wonderful illustrations and is an authority on the subject. The Officers of the League can recommend no better book. Price $4.00. The Secretary AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Hartford, Conn.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: Harley Davison 5 h.p. motor cycle engine in perfect condition, new 2A Browne Camera, $15 New Mirrorscope for gas; K. D. battery motor cost $5.00 will sell for $3.00. Sydney Rosenthal 116 E. Tupper St., Buffalo, N. Y.

FOR SALE: 3 Galena detectors 30c. Each; Brandes superior phones, $3:50; two 4-volt motors 50c. each; 1 automatic telegraph teacher with tape, 50c.; Murdock 1500 ohm phones brand new, super-sensitive, $3.50; two extra heavy wireless keys, $1.60 each; Mesco fixed condenser, 40c.; ½Kw. Spark gap, 75c.; postage on all, extra. Clinton B. Stanley, 153 Mariner St., Buffalo, N.Y.

WANTED: Articles, photographs, anything that interests the amateurs. For “QST.” The Editors, AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Hartford, Conn.

FOR EXCHANGE Each month, a brand new number, of a brand new wireless magazine, filled with brand new articles, on brand new subjects. Will exchange twelve numbers of this brand new wireless magazine, “QST,” for one dollar. Address, Secretary, AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Hartford, Conn.

WANTED: Subscription agents for “QST.” Help yourself, help the LEAGUE, help everybody. Address, AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Circulation Agent, Hartford, Conn.

FOR SALE—One pair 1000 ohm Murdock phones; parts of Murdock $8.00 variable slide plate condenser; $6.00 Radio Equipment Co. loose coupler (new); ½″ spark coil; one cat-Whisker detector; also a Morse key; Will sell separately to the highest bidder or will exchange. William Wunder, 5801 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, Pa.

FOR SALE: Halcum Rotary Spark Gap, cost $12.00, will sell for $10.00. Geo. W. Bonson, 287 East St., Dubuque, Ia.