Page:Marcus Aurelius (Haines 1916).djvu/436

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  • Good men, perish at death, xii. 5
  • Goodness betrays itself, xi. 15
  • Growth, x. 7, § 3
  • Handicraftsmen, zeal of, v. 1, § 2; vi. 35
  • Happiness, v. 9, 34; viii. 17, 67; viii. 1; x. 33
  • Harmony of nature, vi. 11
  • Headache, i. 16, § 7
  • Help to be welcomed, vii. 5, 7, 12
  • Herodes, 366
  • "Heroics," i. 16, 2; ix. 29; xi. 3
  • History of ancient times, iii. 14
  • Horse-racing, i. 5
  • Hosts of Heaven, xi. 27
  • Hypocrisy, ii. 16
  • Ill-omened words, xi. 34 (Epictetus)
  • Imagination or opinion or impressions (ὑπόληψις, φαντασία), ii. 15, iv. 3, 7; v. 2, 26; vii. 17, 29; viii. 40; ix. 7, 13, 21, 32, 42, § 2; xi. 18, § 7; xii. 1, 8, 22, 25, 26
  • Immortality (see Extinction), xii. 31. Marcus has no clear view of the future of the soul, whether there is another life or (he merely puts the alternative) unconsciousness, iii. 3, or a different sort of consciousness, viii. 58; or extinction, vii. 32; or a change of abode, survival for a time, and finally re-absorption into the seminal principles of the universe, iv. 21; v. 33. But he longs to believe in it, see xii. 5
  • Impiety, ix. 1
  • Impressions (φαντασία), v. 2, 16, 36; vi. 16, 36; vii. 29; viii. 29, 47, 49; certainty of, vii. 54; ix. 6
  • Indifferent things, ii. 11 ad. fin.; iv. 39; vi. 32, 41; ix. 1, § 4; xi. 16; even man is "indifferent," v. 20
  • Ingratitude, ix. 42, § 4
  • Inhumanity, vii. 65
  • Injustice, ix. 1, 4
  • Instruction, xi. 29; education, vi 16
  • Intelligence, the, iv. 4; v. 27; x. 33, § 3; xii. 14; one, iv. 40; = Nature =God, viii. 54; xii. 26; of Universe, v. 30
  • Interdependence of all things, ii. 3, 9; iv. 29; v. 8, 30; vi. 38, 42, 43; viii. 9, 19, 68 ad. fin.; viii. 7; ix. 1; x. 1
  • Interests of whole and part identical, iv. 23; v. 8; vi. 44, 45, 54; x. 6, 20, 33; xii. 23
  • Intolerance, vi. 27
  • Jews, 351, 371
  • Justice, v. 34, etc.; foundation of virtue, xi. 10; xii. 1, 3, 24; and truth, xii. 3, 29
  • Justin Martyr, remarkable parallels with passages in his Apologies, Apol. i. 18, 57 = iii. 3, § 2; Apol. i. 57 = viii. 58; Apol. i. 46=viii. 3; Apol. i. 19 = x. 26
  • Kindness irresistible, xi. 18, § 9
  • Knowledge, the true, v. 32
  • Lamiae, lit. Vampires or Ghouls, used by Socrates in the sense of "bugbears" (μορμολυκεῖα, Epict.), xi. 23
  • Latinisms, ἵν’ οὕτως εἴπω, iv. 48; σιγιλλάρια, vii. 3; i. 5. Πρασιανός, etc.; i. 16, § 4, οὐερνάκλος
  • Law, x. 25, 33, ad fin.; xi. 1, § 2; xii. 1; one, vii. 9; "all by law," vii. 31; same for God and man, viii. 2; equality of, i. 14
  • Left hand, let not, know what right hand does, v. 6, § 2; ix. 29
  • Letter-writing, i. 7, 12
  • Liar, xi. 1, 2
  • Life, a warfare, ii. 17; ephemeral, ii. 4, 17; iii. 10, 14; iv. 17, 35, 18, § 2, 50; vi. 15, 36, 56; ix. 32; x. 31, 34; xi. 18, 6; xii. 7; the same, long or short, iv. 47; xii. 36; what is, vii. 3, 48; always the same, iv. 32; life of past ages, iv. 32, 33; vi. 36; vii. 49; ix. 14; xi. 1, § 2; variety of, xii. 24; only in present, ii. 14; iii. 10; xii. 1,3; ever passing, ii. 12, 17; iv. 43; v. 23;