Page:Marcus Aurelius (Haines 1916).djvu/449

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ἀδιάφορα (=μέσα), V. 20; VI. 32, 41, 45; VII. 31; VIII. 56; XI. 16; things indifferent, i.e. neither good nor bad = (1) things absolutely indifferent, such as the number of pebbles on the shore; (2) προηγμένα, things to be chosen as having a relative value, as good health; (3) ἀπροηγμένα, to be rejected, as of less relative value, cp. Fronto, De Eloq. Nab. p. 143

ἀερῶδες, τό, IV. 4, 21; VIII. 54; IX. 9; x. 7, § 2. From a comparison of these we get τὸ στερέμνιον = τὸ γεῶδες (earth), τὸ ὑγρὸν (water), τὸ πνευματικὸν = τὸ ἀερῶδες (X. 7, § 2, the spiritual or pneumatic into airy or aerial), τὸ πυρῶδες (fire) = ? τὸ νοερ῀ον, cp. XI. 20

αἰτία, τὸ αἴτιον, τὸ αἰτιῶδες (see Seneca. Ep. 65), the Causal. Formal, Formative Principle which makes a thing what it is, contrasted with ὕλη (matter), IV. 21; VI. 5 ; VII. 29; VIII. 3, 11; XII. 8, 10, 18, 29; the Primary Cause, or Nature, or God, VIII. 27; IX. 29; the Individual Cause in Man. VIII. 7; IX. 31; x. 26; the Quality of the Cause, i.e. the power it has of making a thing what it is, IX. 25; absorbed into the λόγοs of the Universe, VII. 10; Destiny, the primal Cause and sum of all lower causes, v. 8

ἀκατάληπτος, ἀκαταληψία, inpossibility of any certain conviction, v. 10; VII. 54. It was the main position of the Sceptics that nothing could be really known, but even Socrates and his successors said similar things. Epictetus stoutly maintains the contrary

ἀκοινώνητος, one who selfishly disregards the common interests and cuts himself adrift from his fellows, II. 1, 2; III. 5; VIII. 34; x. 6; XI. 18 ad fin.; XII. 23

ἀναφορά, the reference of a thing to its end or purpose, its relation to its objective, with Cause and Matter making up the whole thing, xii. 8, 10, 18, 20

ἀξία, (i) the true value or worth of things, (2) the relative value of things preferential, III. 11; VI. 3, etc.

ἀπάθεια, the passionless calm of the true Stoic, I. 9 (of Sextus); VI. 16; xi. 18 ad fin.; cp. ἀταραξία

ἅπαξ λεγόμενα, words only found (it seems) in Marcus are: ἀκύβευτος 1. 8; † ἀνδρονομεῖσθαι Χ. 19; ἀνθύλλιον IV. 20; ἀπαλλακτιᾶν Χ. 36; ἀποκαισαριοῦσθαι VI. 30; ἀπορρέμβεσθαι III. 4; IV 22; ἀπροστάτητος XII. 14; ἀρεσκευτικὸς 1. 16; ἀφυσιολογήτως Χ. 9; ἁψικάρδιος IX. 3; γαλάκτιον V. 4; γλισχρεύεσθαι V. 5; γλώσσημα IV. 33; ἐμφιλοτεχνεῖν VII. 54; †ἐνεργησείειν III. 7; ἐντέριον (?) vi. 13; †εὐχαριεντίζεσθαι 1. 15 ; καλοήθης Ι. 1; κοινονοημοσύνη 1. 16; μυίδιον VII. 3; μυξάριον ΙV. 48; vi. 13; ὁμοδογματεῖν ΙΧ. 3; XI. 8; ὁμοθαμνεῖν Χ. 8; παραζητεῖν XII. 5; περίφορος 1.15; προπτωτικὸς XI. 10; προσβήσσεσθαι IV. 49; ῥιπταστικὸς Ι. 16; σεμνοτυφία ΙΧ. 29; σμαράγδιον IV. 20; στρωμάτιον