Page:Margaret Fuller Ossoli (Higginson).djvu/171

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ercise a just and catholic criticism, and to recognize every sincere production of genius; in philosophy it will attempt the reconciliation of the universal instincts of humanity with the largest conclusions of reason; and in religion it will reverently seek to discover the presence of God in nature, in history, and in the soul of man.

‘The Dial,’ as its title indicates, will endeavor to occupy a position on which the light may fall; which is open to the rising sun; and from which it may correctly report the progress of the hour and the day.

‘The Dial’ will be published once in three months, on the first day of January, April, July, and October. Each number will contain 136 octavo pages, making one volume in a year of 544 pages, which will be furnished to subscribers at Three Dollars per annum, payable on the delivery of the second number. The first number will be published on the first day of July next.

Weeks, Jordan & Co.,
“121 Washington Street.

Boston, May 4, 1840.”