Page:Margaret Fuller Ossoli (Higginson).djvu/340

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lished, 187; Western journey, 193; removal to New York, 205; investigations of poverty and crime, 206, 211; religious feeling, 206; criticisms on Longfellow, 138, 204, 218, 293; on Lowell, 217, 296; departure for Europe, 220; her European note-book, 220; stay in London, 229; arrival in Rome, 230; the Italian revolution, 231; marriage and motherhood, 231, 253; early feeling about them, 232; early attachment, 233; service in hospitals, 236; first meeting with Marquis Ossoli, 239; life at Rieti, 238, 250, 266; removal to Florence, 241, 245; correspondence with husband, 248, 279; description of child, 268, 270, 271; her book on Roman republic, 272, 282; voyage to America, 272; forebodings, 273; shipwreck, 276; literary traits, 281; not a disciple of any one, 284; examples of her power of statement, 289; personal traits, 299; phrenological examination, 299; her life on the whole successful, 314.

Palmer, Edward, 175.

“Papers on Literature and Art,” 203.

Park, Dr., 23.

Parker, Theodore, letter from, 162; other references, 3, 86, 130, 132, 140, 142, 144, 160, 165, 169, 181.

Parker, Mrs. Theodore, 128.

Parton, James, 213.

Paterculus, Velleius, 49, 50.

Peabody, Miss Elizabeth P., 75, 114, 142, 168, 178, 192; letter to, 81.

Pericles, 5.

Perkins, Mr., 24.

Petrarch, F., 136.

Plutarch, 49, 50, 69.

Poe, Edgar Allan, 156, 216, 217.

Prescott, Misses, 23.

Putnam, George, 142.

Quincy, Mrs. Josiah, 131.

Radzivill, Princess, 231.

Randall, Elizabeth, 39.

Récamier, Madame, 37.

Reformers in New England (1840-1850), 175.

Richter, Jean Paul, 28, 45.

Ripley, George, 91, 142, 144, 146, 147, 149, 154, 157, 179-181, 183, 189, 291.

Ripley, Mrs. G., 163, 180, 183: letter to, 112.

Robbins, S. D., 181.

Robinson, Rev. Mr., 53, 68.

Rosa, Salvador, 95.

Roscoe, William, 221.

Rotch, Mary, letter to, 212.

Russell, Le Baron, 144.

“Rye-bread days,” 104.

Sand, George, 173, 230.

Saxton, Rufus, 163.

Schiller, J. C. F. von, 45.

Scott, David, 225, 226.

Scott, Sir Walter, 228, 297.

Scougal, Henry, 69.

Ségur, Comte de, 109.

Shakespeare, William, 291, 292.

Shelley, P. B., 42, 134, 290, 307.

Shepard, Mr., 9.

Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de, 24.

Slavery, American, 10, 12, 14, 126.

Smith, Southwood, 229.

Socrates, 309.

Southey, Robert, 45, 290.

Spring, Edward, 223.

Spring, Marcus and Rebecca, 219, 220, 228, 239.

Spurzheim, J. G., 49.

Staël, Madame de, 30, 37, 45, 109

Stetson, Caleb, 142, 144.

Stone, T. T., 163.

Storer, Mrs. R. B., 3.

Storrow, Miss Ann G., 35.

Storrow, Samuel, 51, 52.

Story, Joseph, 33.

Story, William W., 240.

Story, Mrs. William W., 238, 240, 241, 266, 275; narrative of, 241; letter from, 244; letter to, 268.

“Summer on the Lakes,” 194.

Sumner, Horace, 275.

Tappan, Caroline (Sturgis), 87, 111, 154, 156, 199, 200, 211.

“Tasso,” by Goethe, translated, 47, 63, 188.

Taylor, Helen, 281.

Tennyson, Alfred, 69, 220.

“The Great Lawsuit” (essay in “Dial”), 200.

“The Third Thought,” 285.

Thoreau, H. D., 130, 134, 144, 154, 155, 164, 282.

Thorndike, Mrs., 86.

Ticknor, George, 33.

Tieck, Louis, 45.

Tocqueville, A. de, 126.

“Transcendental” movement, the, 133, 314.

“Tribune,” New York, papers in, 213.

Trimmer, Mrs., 132.

Tuckerman, J. F., 163.

Uhland, J. L. 45.

Vaughan, Mr., 149.

Very, Jones, 144, 146.

Visconti, Marchesa, 231.