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American Men of Letters.



A series of biographies of distinguished American authors, having all the special interest of biography, and the larger interest and value of illustrating the different phases of American literature, the social, political, and moral influences which have moulded these authors and the generations to which they belonged.

This series when completed will form an admirable survey of all that is important and of historical influence in American literature, and will itself be a creditable representation of the literary and critical ability of America to-day.

Washington Irving. By Charles Dudley Warner.
Noah Webster. By Horace E. Scudder.
Henry D. Thoreau. By Frank B. Sanborn.
George Ripley. By Octavius Brooks Frothingham.
J. Fenimore Cooper. By Prof. T. R. Lounsbury.
Margaret Fuller Ossoli. By T. W. Higginson.


Ralph Waldo Emerson. By Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Edgar Allan Poe. By George L. Woodberry.
Edmund Quincy. By Sidney Howard Gay.
Nathaniel Hawthorne. By James Russell Lowell.
William Cullen Bryant. By John Bigelow.
Bayard Taylor. By J. R. G. Hassard.
William Gilmore Simms. By George W. Cable.
Benjamin Franklin. By John Bach McMaster.

Others to be announced hereafter.

Each volume, with Portrait, 16mo, gilt top, $1.25.