Page:Margaret Fuller Ossoli (Higginson).djvu/70

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all these things, Ellen will give you the particulars, if you are interested to hear them. The Higginsons say that Eugene’s pupils love him extremely, and that Colonel Storrow, too, seems much pleased with him. I think we ought to feel satisfied that he should secure so much love and esteem after five or six months’ close scrutiny. W. H. is still very good, and as well-disposed as ever. They seem much pleased with him at Avon-Place. He passed yesterday with us, — being excused from the store, as it was Marsylvia’s wedding-day. I believe it is the first amusement he has allowed himself since he left us. I saw a good deal of your former ward, Thornton Davis, while in Cambridge, but prefer giving you the account viva voce.

“And now I have something to tell you which I hope, oh, I HOPE will give you as much pleasure as it does me. Mr. and Mrs. Farrar propose taking me, with several other delightful persons, to Trenton Falls this summer. The plan is to set out about the 20th of July, go on to New York, then up the North River to West Point, — pass a day there; then to Catskill, — pass a day there; then on to Trenton, and devote a week to that beautiful scenery. I said I had scarcely a doubt of your consent, as you had said several times last winter you should like to have me take a pleasant journey this summer. Oh, I cannot describe the positive ecstasy with which I think of this journey! to see the North River at last, and in such society! Oh, do sympathize with me! do feel about it as I do! The positive expenses of the journey we have computed at forty-seven dollars; I shall want ten more for spending-money, — but you will not think of the money, will you? I would rather you would take two hundred