Page:Maria, or, The wanderer reclaim'd.pdf/23

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Her cheeks ſhone as the bluſhing roſe,
Her face like lilly fair:
And none of all the flatter’d Belles
With Sally could compare.
Claro, young, and rich, and gay,
Her easy heart deceiv’d;
ſwore he meant her for his bride,
and ſhe, fond maid believ’d.
(illegible text) late ſhe found her Claro falſe
Ne’er meant his oath to keep;
(illegible text)ſhe, once paſt the brink of vice,
(illegible text)lung’d headlong in the deep.
(illegible text)and remorse at times awoke,
And tore her trembling breaſt;
(illegible text)lection ſcar’d her waking thoughts,
Dark dreams diſturb’d her reſt.
(illegible text)ſinned ftill— yet ſtill deplor’d
The wretched life ſhe led,
(illegible text)ev’ry thought of heav’n was loſt,
and hope of mercy fled.
Claro ſicken’d— the hour came,
When he muſt yield his breath:
(illegible text)uctant he a victim sunk
(illegible text)in the cold arms of death.
(illegible text)the dead-ſilent hour of night,
When angels watch the good,
(illegible text)the ghoſt of Claro came,
Dreſs’d in a fable ſhroud.
(illegible text)her eyes, now all forlorn,
ſlumber juſt had crept:
haunted fancy found no reſt,
(illegible text) irkſome vigils kept.