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you have one,” Andrew coldly replied. “Since you have such kind feelings toward me, you may know to your satisfaction that Maria Felicia is avenged on me already, and that through her father. The Count wounded me more deeply and painfully than you could with the sharpest weapon. It is a wound so deep that it can never heal; to my dying day it will fester in my bosom.”

“What offense did he commit against you?”

“My mind hoped to soar; my ability entitled me to believe that sometime I should be a benefactor to my people; ambition woke within me. I wanted to become a fearless proclaimer and defender of truth, not human, but God’s truth; but Count Felsenburk, taking advantage of his power over me as my master, condemned me to sweep his yards until my death. With that sentence he crushed my heart, deprived me of all the hope and happiness of life. More wretched than I am I could not be, unless I should burden my conscience with some crime.”