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What a sweetheart is to a lover, the truth is to me. For it I am willing to live in poverty, and humility with you; for it I will gladly endure adversity and persecution; for it I will face every danger, and it will fill me with pride not only to consecrate but to sacrifice my life for the truth. Oh, happy are those who were chosen to lay the foundation for a new Jerusalem! I see the city before me in the golden luster of a new era, and I bless her in my name and yours. Love will make her laws; justice shall fulfill them; the snow-white banner of peace and brotherhood shall wave from her battlements; on her gates shall be written ‘progress’; her churches shall be consecrated with spiritual perfection, and whoever will enter her walls shall enter eternal life.”

All looked at the harper with admiration, and the old man, stretching out his hand, drew him closer and kissed him on the forehead. “You are ours!” exclaimed the rest, and each in turn pressed his hand.

“Do not forget that it is high time for us